- A beautiful terrace in the Albayzín. It has the traditional offerings: grapevine, flowers, railing, woodwork and open sitting area. © Steven Nightingale
- A street near our carmen in the Albayzín, with its vines, cobblestones, and come-hither narrow passageway. © Steven Nightingale
- A street in the Albayzín engulfed by bougainvillea. © Steven Nightingale
- An olambrilla—an example of the small painted tiles often inset into terra cotta floors in the Albayzín—this one of a pomegranate. © Steven Nightingale
- In a small garden in the Albayzín, a young fig tree growing aside a flourishing mock orange. © Steven Nightingale
- The legendary double arches of the Mezquita in Cordoba. Standing among them for any length of time can give rise to a feeling of weightlessness.
- The church of San Pedro at the base of the Albayzín, with the Alhambra soaring above. © Jose Val Bal
- The Church of Saint John, in the lower Albayzín, with its fine Almohad tower. The church has been recently restored. © Jose Val Bal
- The thriving Calderería Nueva in the Albayzín, where Arab merchants from north Africa sell goods from around the world. © Jose Val Bal
- In the Albayzín, wherever there is support,roses will climb and bloom and, given the chance, grow over the roof and onto the street. © Steven Nightingale
- The poster advertising the Concurso de Cante Jondo—Contest of Deep Song—organized by García Lorca and Manuel Falla in 1922. It was planned for the Placeta de San Nicolás in the Albayzin, but the big crowds obliged a move to the terrace of the Alhambra.
- Windows of colored glass found now and again in the Albayzín. The morning meant green and blue streaming light in the room. © Steven Nightingale
- The Alhambra at twilight, with the famous Torre de Comares in the foreground and the Sierra Nevada along the horizon. © Robert Blesse
- The Albayzín as seen from the Sabika Hill, high in the Darro Canyon, east of the Alhambra. © Robert Blesse
- The Alhambra aglow, as seen each night from the Albayzín. © Steven Nightingale
- The center of the Albayzín, with its complexity of terraces, balconies, windows, and flowers. © Jose Val Bal
- A watercolor of the Darro canyon at the base of the Albayzín, showing early fall colors and one of the low bridges. © Ricardo Bellido Ceballos
- A watercolor of a beautiful and historic carmen in the Albayzín, recently restored. © Ricardo Bellido Ceballos
- The Albayzín at night, with its illuminated windows and mystery. © Jose Val Bal